Gun Control Is A Necessity!

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for illustrational purposes only

Senseless shootings in USA is now the order of the day. the most recent are: The Virginia Beach shooting which occur on June 5th, 2019, the El Paso, shooting in Texas. august 3th, 2019 and the  shooting on the streets of the Oregon District in Dayton, Ohio. August 4th 2019. Within 2 months we have lose 30+ lives but any time we here the same stories: people kill people and not guns. ut the questions is what do you expect when guns are in the hands of the wrong people?

Is it not time for someone to say this have to come to an end? anyone that claims to be a patriotic America and stand against guns control at this crucial moment contradicts the very patriotism he claims stand for. It is but logical that those who argue against gun control have a selfish agenda which is known only to them. They care only about themselves forgetting the lives of the vulnerable citizens who are expose to this danger.

There must be something we stand to benefit as a people when we resist laws like gun control which is mean for public good and then goes about singing leap service everyday in the name of keeping our country safe. If we cannot react now then what is the right time to do so?

However, Like Martin Luther King jr would say, “There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.” I strongly believe an am convince that the only way to stop gun violence is gun control. But it is our collective responsibility to do so. this is not about partisan politics but about the very survival of our humanity.

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